Washington State must support a Fossil Fuel Treaty

Wind turbines and solar panels agains a backdrop of green hills

In 2025, Washingon State will be considering a resolution to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and call for an end to oil and gas expansion.

A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is the solution the world needs right now to address the climate crisis with the scale and urgency that is required and is based around three principles:

  • Ending Expansion – No new coal, oil or gas exploration or production
  • A Fair Phase Out – An equitable, global phase out of existing fossil fuel production in line with our 1.5ºC climate target
  • Just Transition – Support economic diversification and a renewable energy transition so that no community, country or worker is left behind

If Washington State were to endorse, it would signal to the rest of the world that there are still people in the United States serious about addressing climate change – and it will put serious pressure on global leaders to begin negotiations around a global Fossil Fuel Treaty. 

Will you sign the petition calling on decision makers in the Washington legislature to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty proposal?

An orange globe next to words that read: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

To: Washington State legislature Click to see full petition text

We, the undersigned, are writing to inform you of our strong support for a resolution endorsing a Fossil Fuel Treaty, which calls for an end to fossil fuel expansion, a fair phase out of coal, oil and gas, and a global just energy transition.



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