Sign the petition to halt the PRGT pipeline and put it through a new environmental review

Old map of the PRGT pipeline route change proposal

A major LNG project in B.C. is being hastily pushed through without a modern environmental review.

The Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) is a pipeline project that would stretch across the northern part of the province and export LNG overseas.

Beginning in northeastern B.C. and the Montney Shale Formation – a fracked gas field that contains enough potential greenhouse gasses to blow past Canada's 2030 emissions targets 30 times over – the pipeline would span around 750 kilometers to the proposed Ksi Lisims LNG facility near the Alaskan border.

Beyond the old name, the PRGT project has dramatically changed since it was first approved a decade ago. The Prince Rupert Gas Transmission no longer connects to Prince Rupert, its starting point moved multiple times – and, it’s even under entirely different ownership.

This is a new project that should require a new Environmental Assessment.

Since the old review, the B.C. government passed a new Environmental Assessment Act with a more inclusive and constative process that allows for impacted First Nations to play a larger role in deciding which economic activities happen on their lands.

The pipeline would cross through many Indigenous territories and is very controversial in northern communities. Upholding Indigenous rights could prevent the need for land-based resistance to the project as seen with the Coastal GasLink pipeline.

Modern environmental review processes are essential for projects of this magnitude, but construction is being rushed ahead before the original permits expire on November 25th – unless the B.C. government intervenes. Let’s not allow history to repeat itself when we have an improved review process designed for this decade.

Add your name to tell the B.C. government to stop this pipeline and put it through a modern environmental review.

To: The B.C. Government Click to see full petition text

I’m calling on the B.C. government to halt the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline and put it through a modern Environmental Assessment process.



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