Tell Your MLA: We Need a Frack Free BC

Protestors hold banners that read: Frack Free BC, and Frack Free BC NDP

Fracking is B.C.’s biggest climate problem, and we can’t let fossil fuel lobbyists undermine our chance to face this climate crisis head-on.

We need our elected leaders to step up by calling for an end to new fracking permits, and to set a date to phase out existing wells and fracking infrastructure.

Our elected leaders should work for us — not the big oil and gas companies who own the fracking wells and LNG terminals. Together, we can urge our MLAs all across B.C. to do the right thing and to urge Premier David Eby and the BC NDP to end fracking and support the transition to a sustainable economy.

LNG and fracking threatens our health, poisons freshwater, and fuels climate disasters. Take action today by sending a letter to your MLA to let them know that we need clear and resolute climate leadership. Let’s end fracking in B.C.

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