Stop Cargill from abusing human rights and destroying nature

Cargill is the largest privately owned company in the United States and the largest agribusiness company in the world. The Cargill-MacMillan family, who own 87% of the company, is one of the wealthiest families in the US and contains more billionaires than any other family on Earth.

Cargill has been linked to deforestation and human rights abuses throughout its supply chain. 

In 2001, Cargill publicly acknowledged the problem of forced child labor in the cocoa industry and committed to eliminating it and the other “worst forms” of child labor in the production of chocolate. In 2014, Cargill acknowledged the agriculture sector’s significant role in the destruction of the world’s forests and promised to end it. In 2022, Cargill expanded that commitment to include the protection of critical natural ecosystems other than forests as well. None of those commitments have been fulfilled. And the problems have gotten worse.

We are not asking the company to make any more commitments. We are asking the family that owns Cargill to force the company to fulfill the commitments it has already made:

  • Honor the Harkin Engel Protocol on forced child labor
  • Honor the New York Declaration on Forests
  • Honor the COP 26 Statement of Purpose on Deforestation and Ecosystem Destruction

Sign the petition now to call on the Cargill-MacMillan family to eliminate human rights abuses and the destruction of nature from Cargill’s supply chain.

To: The Cargill-MacMillan Family Click to see full petition text

Honor Cargill's commitments to end human rights abuses and the destruction of nature throughout your entire supply chain.

  • Honor the Harkin Engel Protocol on forced child labor
  • Honor the New York Declaration on Forests
  • Honor the COP 26 Statement of Purpose on Deforestation and Ecosystem Destruction



Thanks for adding your voice, friend.

A few months ago, Cargill announced its plan to eliminate deforestation in three South American countries by 2025. We now need to ramp up pressure to hold them to their promise.

If you can, will you please chip in to power the Cargill campaign with a small donation?

Friend, we are in the defining decade of the fight to protect our climate - will you support some of our other critical campaigns?

You can also share this petition with your friends and family to triple your impact