Protect freshwater from toxic fracking

While the Peace River region is facing extreme drought, the B.C. government is still allowing the fracking industry to pollute billions of litres of freshwater in the province – putting communities in harm’s way.

As shown in our recent reports [1,2], there is *no way* to frack without poisoning huge amounts of water, and there is no way to clean up or dispose of the wastewater without putting communities and the environment at risk.

The long term solution is clear: we have to phase out fracking (as many provinces and states around North America are already doing!).

But in the meantime, we must pressure the B.C. government to urgently update our outdated regulations and protect the people and clean water sources being threatened by fracking right now.

Sign the petition now to pressure the B.C. government to protect freshwater and communities from toxic fracking chemicals.

[1]  Paper: Fracking with freshwater in a time of severe drought,, Jul 4 2024
[2] Fracking and freshwater,, Dec 1 2022

To: The B.C. Government Click to see full petition text

I ask that you do everything in your power to:

  • Require the treatment and increased reuse of fracking wastewater to reduce the amount of freshwater used in the process;
  • Improve standards for disposal wells and begin baseline and ongoing testing of water systems impacted by oil and gas;
  • End special treatment for oil and gas by returning the power to issue water licence and permits for the industry to the Water Stewardship Branch; and
  • Charge fracking companies a price for water high enough to encourage the conservation of freshwater.



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