Tell Amazon to Deliver Change

Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world – it sold $514 billion worth of goods and services in 2022. Millions of purchases mean millions of parcels. And that means millions of deliveries clogging up streets and lungs – creating unnecessary traffic, fumes, and climate pollution throughout our towns and cities. 

With online shopping projected to massively grow over the next couple of years, this problem is only going to get bigger.

If we can convince Amazon, the biggest and most influential delivery company in the world, to move to zero emissions deliveries, then we’ll drive change across the entire sector. 

Tell Amazon to switch to zero-emissions shipping and get serious about protecting our communities. Add your name.

To: Andy Jassy, Amazon President and Chief Executive Officer:Click to see full petition text

We demand that Amazon will:

ᐧ Phase-out fossil fuel vehicles and make 100% zero emissions last-mile deliveries, including deliveries made by contractors and subcontractors.

ᐧ Publicly share information on their greenhouse gas emissions and fleet sizes, including the emissions and vehicles of contractors and subcontractors.

ᐧ Ensure that the cost of transitioning from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles, cargo bikes, and other zero emissions options is not passed on to contractors and subcontractors.

ᐧ Include an increase in cargo bike deliveries, neighborhood delivery hubs, and other zero emissions options.

ᐧ Work with original equipment manufacturers and governments to track and source mined materials that have the least amount of environmental and health impacts for electric vehicle fleets.

ᐧ Prioritize communities experiencing the highest levels of pollution and poor air quality first for the transition to electric vehicles and other zero emissions options.

ᐧ Amazon must commit to zero emissions last mile delivery by 2030, and must set a high bar for the rest of the industry to follow.

For all communities,

Tell Amazon to move to zero-emissions shipping now


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