Tell Oregon legislators: divest from fossil fuels now!

Protesters stand with a climate emergency banner on Montgomery street in San Francisco

Our pensions shouldn’t be invested in risky fossil fuel investments. Instead, we deserve safe investments that increase our resiliency as a community and as a state. That’s why we’re calling on Oregon legislators to pass HB2601, the Treasury Investment and Climate Protection Act.

HB2601 would force the Oregon Treasury to: 

  • End all new investments in fossil fuels immediately since they pose a financial, health, and climate risk to Oregonians.
  • Divest from the worst public carbon-intensive holdings within six months, and divest from all of the largest fossil fuel producers within 2 years.
  • Phase out ALL remaining fossil fuel investments, including private ones, by 2035.
  • Provide detailed quarterly reports to the public and the legislature and provide transparency on the Oregon Treasury’s investments.

The science is clear, we can’t afford to invest in fossil fuels in an era of climate crisis. It’s time for Oregon legislators to follow the science and force the Treasury to divest now.

Will you email your Oregon legislator and ask them to support HB2601?

Email your Oregon legislator