Tell local government leaders: Stop building new gas stations!

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Building new gas stations simply doesn’t make any sense. Governments in California, Canada, and the E.U. mandated an end to new gas car sales by 2035, while other places went even further and implemented sales bans as soon as 2030 or even 2025. Car companies like GM, Mazda, Volvo, and others see the writing on the wall and are following suit by setting dates for when their last gasoline vehicles will be sold.

Gas stations are becoming increasingly unprofitable. They also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean up, pollute groundwater, and poison the air. Oh, and there’s also that little thing called the climate crisis bearing down on us.

Yet gas stations are still being proposed and built all over the place when all that time, energy, and financial capital should be going to building the clean energy economy. That’s why local governments are taking action.

Make your local goverment act next next  – use our tool to quickly look up your local elected officials and send them a message urging them to stop new gas stations!


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