Procter & Gamble must commit to respect Free, Prior and Informed Consent and stop sourcing pulp from critical caribou habitat.

Charmin Protest

Two-thirds of Procter & Gamble (P&G) shareholders voted YES on a key proposal to protect the boreal forest of Canada, and tropical forests in Southeast Asia! Even though the company’s shareholders have brought down the hammer on P&G’s failure to protect forests, its recently announced commitments fail to address the concerns raised by shareholders and environmental groups. So much, for "new" commitments. That's we need to amp up the pressure to show P&G's executives that we're not buying their recycled and greenwashing commitments. 

Indigenous and frontline communities have been historically impacted by Procter & Gamble’s destructive forest sourcing, land grabbing, and poor labor practices in the boreal forest of Canada as well as tropical forests in Malaysia and Indonesia, where the company sources some of its palm oil from. The home goods company has previously refused to stop doing business with suppliers who clearcut from critically endangered caribou habitat.

P&G must commit to respect Indigenous communities and their sovereignty and stop working with suppliers sourcing pulp from caribou habitat. Add your name now to protect endangered caribou from going extinct!

P&G should have stopped turning intact forests into butt wipes yesterday, but now is our chance to ensure a tomorrow for our forests.

Urge P&G to stop sourcing pulp from critically endangered caribou habitat


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