Canada's coastline is not a dumping ground!

From orcas to salmon, and surfing to fishing, Canada's oceans are critically important to sustaining local communities and diverse marine life. But cruise ship emissions, oil tankers, plastic pollution, and waste dumping are putting our coastlines at risk.

Cruise companies are some of the biggest culprits. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada recently launched a report* revealing that a whopping 1.5 billion litres of grey water were likely dumped off British Columbia’s coast in 2017. Cruise ships are responsible for 90% of that grey water dumping.

To save our oceans, we need to act fast. In the coming months we’re going to be launching a strategic campaign in Canada to hold polluting industries accountable and fight for the regulations we need to keep our coastlines safe.

Are you with us? Take the pledge to protect the ocean!

*Click here to read the WWF Canada Study.

Take the pledge to protect our oceans

From the rugged BC coastline, to the fragile Arctic, to the rocky shores of Nova Scotia, I pledge to stand up for the oceans.